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New Sport: Badminton!

Sorry for late. Actually I've wanted to post this post since many weeks ago. But, I had no time :(((

But finally I can make this post yeayyy! \m/ Ya, the title of this post is "New Sport: Badminton!". No, of course not because I had just known this sport. No, ya. Fyi, I joined badminton club near of ma house since I was in 8th grade. But I stopped to join the club in last August. Why? Because now I'm in 9th grade and I have to be mooreeee dilligent. It's hard to manage the time well when you're in 9th grade. Really. Almost everyday go home at up on 3 pm. Hhhh tired :"""
Buuttttt guess what! I won a badminton competition in 26th Oct 2012 yeayyy! \m/ OK, I'm gonna tell you.

I was choosen by my senior in PAPS St. Arnoldus Janssen to join a badminton competition between 'Misdinar's in Bekasi-we call it PROAKOLIT-. I was shocked 'cause I thought I was poor in badmiton. So suck. But OK, I used to practise every Saturday with my partner, Tyo (we played mixed double. there was no single play).
And after that, finally we arrived in the badminton field in Strada SHS, next to our church. It was 21st Oct 2012. Yes, St. Arnoldus Janssen was the householder! :D oh ya, our first opponent in the qualifier was misdinar of St. Leo Agung. They have body bigger than me and my partner. But, unpredictable, we were the winner of that qualifier! Haha, with only 2 sets :D
Qualifier had done. Then, the semifinal! Once again, it was unpredictable! Our opponent was my schoolmate, PETRA, and her partner (idk his name). They're from St. Bartolomeus. Petra.... umm, I think she's the best badminton girl player in ma school. She has a big power. Really really big! And of course I was afraid to lose. But with our bigger spirit than theirs, we won againnn! Still only 2 sets wohoooo~ U.n.p.r.e.d.i.c.t.a.b.l.e. The day had done.
The next week but in Friday, 26th Oct 2012, we continued the competition. THE FINAL GAME WOHOOO! Us versus misdinar of St. Clara. They're smaller than us, yes, OK, that's trully true. But you know? Their performance were realyyyy good! 4 thumbs up for them! In the 1st set, we have to say that we lost. hiks hikss T.T with score, I forgot exactly, ya about 19-21 for them. We fighted harder and we won with score about 21-17 for us. RUBBER SET! WE WON AGAINNNN! WOHOO! 21-13 for us! Yeayyy! We wonnn \m/ haha, I was really happy! After my last smashed, I jumped for many times, then hugged my friends that supported me there. hihihi:3 <3

The purple two are from misdinar St. Clara-Me-Tyo. After the final game:)


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