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Two Years Passed


Long time no write (and even see) my own blog, hahaha. Anyway, from now, I'm going to write posts in English. No, I just want to try. I'm trying boss, bcs I feel bad in English, tho, 2 years in high school has passed and I'm facing the next school level in a year. WHAT?!

Two years feel like, uhm, ups and downs? Yes, of course. In my first year, I think ups more frequently came than the downs. I was mostly okay with my whole year. My experiences, I enjoyed them.
In this second year, uh no. Four semesters, little ups and more downs, I think. I got more bad marks, problems, and ya you know what most of second-year-students at high school like to do: try everything new, and try to break the rules. Tho, it's not really me. But it's okay to be not okay sometimes!
Well, baper (it's Indonesia Language-I mean it's only common in teens-that means bawa perasaan or I think it's simillar with overthinking?) came almost in my whole second year. I got mad, stressed, and whatever you call it. Trust me, I got stressed easily, especially when I faced problems in finishing something. It's totally wrong, I know. But it naturally comes until now. (really sorry, pals:( I'm trying to fix it hiks)

Well, thank you for people who always pick me up hahaha I love you! And it's over for the second year. It's holiday now and I hope you guys have a nice holiday with ones you love. After all, get ready for the last year of high school. It's gonna be so difficult, sure. Whoa I'm not ready yet and I know some of you feel the same. But sure it's gonna be fun and adorable!
Anyway, thank you for reading! HAPPY HOLIDAY! :D xx


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