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Traffic Jam? No More!

Hey to the low people! Guess what's new now! Oh yes, it's new year already! First, I'd like to say happy new year everyone! 2015 was an amazing year tho, butt we still have to leave it. Move on and go ahead to 2016. I deeply hope, 2016 may be more more more wonderful than 2015.
Well, I've just watched KompasTV and I've just known that there's a tv program named UltimateU. The name was adopted from the presenter's book title. The program was great, that I felt I didn't waste my time like what I usually do (HEHE). They talked about the traffic jam in Jakarta.
Uh, it's so clasic, but trust me, it's still a very very big problem of Jakarta. They said that there are more than 17 millions transportations in Jakarta, and it fulfills Jakarta, everyday. It's really a big number.
BUT fortunately there are people who also concern with this.
Who doesn't know Go-Jek? Ojek based on application, which we can order it from the app that can be downloaded easily in Android. It detects our location and directly connects us to an ojek near us then they come and take us to places we want. The Go-Jek founder saw that 4 or more wheels transportations are the biggest causing of traffic jam, so he develops the usage of two wheels transportations to decrease the traffic jam in Jakarta. Good!
2. Transjakarta
Bus that will take us to go around Jakarta. But umh no, it also takes us to other cities like Bekasi, Depok, Bogor, etc with TransJabodetabek yey. They have 3 types of bus, which are differenced by its capacity. The biggest Transjakarta may take 111 people in a way. It definitely really helps decreasing traffic jam!
3. Bike2Work
Just use bike! Beside decreasing traffic jam, it also makes us healtier and decreasing polution and save the world!
This is what I've just heard from the tv program. It's an account in Twitter that shares who need 'tebengan' and who can 'nebengin' them. It also adds friends and it becomes a lifestyle to take selfie in the car and upload it! Do not worry, people who 'nebengin' has rating so you can trust them! Unique!

Yaaaps, those are some ways that have been discovered by some people to decrease traffic jam. Hopefully it really works and it's decreased in a big number in 2016! Good luck!


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